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Stress and Distress: Trial Design for Functional Foods

Functional Foods might support brain function, however, those health benefits should be validated through Human Clinical Trials. Join our Medical Director, Ted Dinan on this free-to-attend presentation and learn about how to design a clinical study on cognitive and mental health.

Duration: 18 mins
Closeup young woman with worried stressed face expression eyes closed trying to concentrate with brain melting into lines question marks deep thinking. Obsessive compulsive, adhd, anxiety disorders

Webinar Highlights

Topics discussed

  • To explore the relationship between stress, inflammation and the human microbiome.
  • To determine the optimal design of clinical trials on the areas of stress and distress.
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Ted Dinan

Ted Dinan

Top cited scientist in the gut-brain axis, over 400 papers published in neurobiology.

Medical Director
Atlantia Clinical Trials

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Stress and Distress. Trial Design for Functional Foods