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Closed Chicago

Collagen Study

We are looking at the effects of different doses of a collagen peptide in both healthy and pre-diabetic adults

Participants will receive up to $550 for completing this study.

This study is now closed but we may have similar studies in the future. In the meantime, explore our current studies that may be interest you.

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Who is Eligible?

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Aged 18-60
  • Pre-diabetic (our healthy group is no longer taking applications)
6 Visits
3.5 Months
Study Requirements

What's Involved In Participating


You will be required to visit our Downtown Chicago Clinic 5-6 times over 3.5 months.

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You will be required to consume the collagen supplement on a daily basis for 3 months.


As part of this study you will receive blood tests.