Future of Clinical Research: Insights from Atlantia's CCO

In this engaging episode of Clinic on Cue, host Shauna Cusack sits down with Barry Skillington, the Chief Commercial Officer of Atlantia Clinical Trials, to discuss the evolving landscape of clinical research. From the rise of virtual trials and the impact of AI to the importance of maintaining a hybrid approach, Barry shares his expert insights on the industry's future direction.

Table of Contents

The Shift Towards Virtual and Data-Driven Research

Clinical research is undergoing a significant transformation, with a growing emphasis on virtual and data-driven trials.

From Paper to Digital to AI

The transition from paper-based methods to digital platforms has been a substantial shift in the clinical research industry. Now, with the advent of AI, the landscape is evolving even further.

AI enables researchers to analyze vast datasets, extending beyond the study's participants. It allows for the examination of hundreds of thousands of people in various health metrics, enhancing the depth and breadth of research.

The Rise of Virtual Research

Virtual research is becoming more prevalent across different sectors, including consumer, product, and lifestyle research. The increasing availability of data is driving this trend, making research more accessible and cost-effective.

This shift towards virtual research is expected to continue, offering new opportunities for data collection and analysis.

Benefits of Data Availability

With more data available, particularly in areas like preventative medicine and imaging, research is becoming more powerful. AI plays a crucial role in these advancements, helping to interpret complex data and improve research outcomes.

At Atlantia, we are actively incorporating AI into our processes, aiming to create a more robust system that reduces costs, speeds up trials, and lessens the burden on participants.

The Advantages of Virtual and At-Home Trials

Virtual and at-home trials offer numerous benefits, making them an attractive option for both researchers and participants.

Convenience for Participants

At-home collection methods are significantly more convenient for participants. They eliminate the need for frequent visits to a clinical site, reducing the time and effort required to participate in a study.

This convenience can lead to higher participation rates, as it lowers the barrier for individuals interested in contributing to research.


Virtual trials are generally more cost-effective than traditional clinical trials. They reduce the need for physical infrastructure and can be conducted with a larger sample size at a lower cost.

This cost reduction makes it easier for researchers to conduct studies, particularly those with limited budgets.

Participant Engagement

People are inherently interested in their health, and virtual trials can tap into this interest by making participation easier. The less burden placed on participants, the more likely they are to engage in the study.

By leveraging virtual and at-home methods, researchers can gather valuable data while maintaining high levels of participant satisfaction.

Click here to find out more about how Virtual Trials uses AI features from our Medical Study Manager, to conduct more effective clinical trials.

Balancing Virtual and Traditional Clinical Trials

While virtual and at-home trials offer many benefits, there is still a need for traditional clinical trials in certain situations. A balanced approach is often the most effective.

The Hybrid Model

A hybrid model that combines virtual and traditional methods can be an ideal solution. This approach allows researchers to conduct initial virtual trials to gather preliminary data, followed by more controlled clinical trials for in-depth analysis.

This model provides the flexibility to adapt to different research needs and budgets.

When Traditional Trials Are Necessary

Some studies require the precision and control that only a clinical setting can provide. For example, assessments of cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's disease necessitate the involvement of medical professionals and specialized equipment.

Additionally, certain tests, like the true social stress test, can only be conducted in a clinical environment.

Customizing the Research Approach

At Atlantia, we tailor our research programs to meet the specific needs of each study. We often start with virtual trials to gather initial data, then move to traditional clinical trials for more detailed analysis.

This customized approach ensures that researchers get the most accurate and comprehensive results, while also managing costs and participant burden effectively. 

Click here to learn more about the advantages of selecting Atlantia for your business.

Key Takeaways

1. Virtual Trials: By eliminating the need for travel and in-person visits, virtual clinical trials provide participants with greater accessibility and convenience.

2. Data Collection: Artificial Intelligence enhances data gathering and processing, guaranteeing thorough and precise outcomes while expediting the study procedure.

3. Patient Monitoring: Using AI technologies, patients are continuously monitored, which guarantees prompt treatments and early identification of negative consequences.

4. Cost Efficiency: By lowering logistical costs and resource usage, virtual trials and AI lower the costs related to conventional clinical trials.

5. Future Prospects: Clinical research will become more accessible, accurate, and efficient when AI is included into virtual trials.




Here are some frequently asked questions to help better understand the topics discussed in this blog.

What are the benefits of virtual clinical trials?

They offer convenience, cost-effectiveness, and increased participant engagement.

Why is a hybrid model important?

It combines the strengths of both virtual and traditional trials, providing flexibility and comprehensive results.