What to Expect When Participating in a Clinical Trial

Embarking on a clinical trial with Atlantia Clinical Trials means becoming a vital part of advancing health research. Your participation not only contributes to medical progress but also offers you insights into your health, with support from our dedicated team every step of the way. Here's a detailed look at what you can expect throughout your journey with us.


Table of Contents


  1. Introduction to Clinical Trials
  2. Why Participate in a Clinical Trial?
  3. Your First Steps: The Pre-screening Process
  4. What to Expect During Your Visit
  5. What Happens During a Clinical Trial?
  6. At-home Sample Collection
  7. Compensation and Contributions
  8. Your Rights and Safety
  9. Key Takeaways
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Introduction to Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies that involve people and are aimed at evaluating medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions. They are essential for discovering new treatments, improving existing ones, and advancing medical knowledge. By participating in a clinical trial, you're helping researchers understand diseases better and develop solutions that can improve or even save lives. Your involvement is crucial, whether the trial leads to a groundbreaking discovery or simply provides valuable data.


Why Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Participating in a clinical trial has many benefits. You gain access to potential new treatments and receive close monitoring from a dedicated medical team. Additionally, you're contributing to research that could significantly impact future healthcare. Trials often include compensation for your time and effort, acknowledging the important role you play in this process.

For more details on compensation, you can explore our articles on how much clinical trials pay and how to get paid for research studies.


Your First Steps: The Pre-screening Process

Before you begin your journey as a participant, there's a pre-screening process to ensure you're a good fit for the study.

Step 1: Online Introduction

Your journey starts with an online form that helps us understand your eligibility. It’s a quick and straightforward process designed to get you started on the right path. 

Step 2: Phone Conversation

Next, our Recruitment Officers will reach out to you for a more detailed discussion about your eligibility and the study details. We encourage you to ask many questions as you need to feel comfortable and understand exactly what the trial is studying, what's required of you, and how long the trial will last.

Step 3: Schedule an On-site or eVisit

If everything checks out, we’ll invite you to our clinic for an on-site visit or if the trial is fully remote, we'll schedule a video call with you. This final screening ensures that the study is a good match for you and that you’re comfortable moving forward.


What to Expect During Your Visit

When you arrive at our clinic (or join us via a video call), our team will make sure you feel welcome and informed. Here’s what typically happens:

Informed Consent

You'll go through an informed consent process, where you’ll receive detailed information about the trial. This document covers the purpose, procedures, risks, benefits, and your rights as a participant. It’s important to read this carefully and ask questions if anything is unclear.

Physical Measurements

We’ll take key physical measurements, such as your weight and height, to help us tailor the study to your unique profile.

Health Questionnaires

You’ll fill out detailed health questionnaires that give us a comprehensive view of your overall well-being, lifestyle, and how the study product may affect you.

Blood and Urine Tests

Depending on the study, we may collect blood and urine samples to ensure you’re in good health and meet all the study requirements.


What Happens During a Clinical Trial?

During the trial, you'll follow a specific plan, or protocol, which outlines what you’ll do, how often you’ll visit the trial site, and what tests or procedures you’ll undergo.

Regular Monitoring

Throughout the trial, you’ll be closely monitored by the research team. This could include regular blood tests, physical exams, and other types of assessments to track your health and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Communication with the Research Team

You’ll be in regular contact with the research team, who will check on your progress and ask about any side effects or other concerns you might have. It’s important to be honest and thorough in your communications.

Potential Side Effects

All treatments have potential side effects. The research team will provide you with information about what to expect and how to manage any side effects you might experience.


At-home Sample Collection

Some studies require you to collect samples at home. We make this process as easy as possible by providing clear instructions and support.

Step 1: Log Your Health Metrics in the App

We’ll provide you with an app to log your health metrics, allowing us to monitor your progress in real-time.

Step 2: Take Samples at Home

You’ll collect samples as instructed and use our tools to ensure accuracy. This step is crucial for gathering data while keeping your convenience in mind.

Step 3: Schedule Future Visits

After your initial visit, we’ll work with you to schedule any follow-up visits needed to track your progress throughout the study.


Compensation and Contributions

Participants are often rewarded either financially, or with complementary products as a token of appreciation for the time and effort you invest. You play critical role in advancing medical research and we believe the invaluable contribution you're making to the future of healthcare, should be rewarded. 

Ready to become a Health Hero and join a study? Sign up for one of our currently recruiting studies on our Studies to Join page.


Your Rights and Safety

Your safety is the top priority in any clinical trial. There are several layers of protection in place to ensure your well-being.

Ethical Oversight

Clinical trials are carefully designed and reviewed by ethics committees and regulatory bodies before they begin. These groups ensure that the trial is ethically conducted and that participants' rights are protected.

Right to Withdraw

You have the right to leave the trial at any time, for any reason. Your decision to withdraw will not affect your standard medical care.


Your personal information will be kept confidential, and only the research team will have access to your data. Results are typically reported in a way that does not identify individual participants.


Key Takeaways


  • Clinical trials are vital for medical research and developing new treatments.
  • Your participation can provide access to new treatments and contribute to significant medical advancements.
  • Compensation is often provided for your time and effort, acknowledging your crucial role.
  • The process is designed to ensure you feel comfortable, informed, and supported at every step.
  • Safety and ethics are top priorities, with multiple safeguards in place to protect participants.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. Do I have to pay to participate in a clinical trial?

No, participants do not pay to join a clinical trial. In fact, you may receive compensation for your time and any travel expenses.

2. How long does a clinical trial usually last?

The duration varies depending on the study. It can range from a few weeks to several months, with specific timelines discussed during the initial consultation.

3. Will my personal information be kept confidential?

Yes, your privacy is a top priority. All personal data collected during the trial is kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.

4. What if I have to withdraw from the study?

You can withdraw from a clinical trial at any time without any penalty. Your decision will not affect your standard medical care.

5. How will I be compensated for participating?

Compensation varies depending on the study’s requirements and duration. For more detailed information, please refer to our articles on how much clinical trials pay and how to get paid for research studies.

6. How is my safety ensured during the trial?

Your safety is monitored throughout the trial by the research team and ethical oversight bodies. They track side effects and any other health changes closely.

Participating in a clinical trial is a meaningful way to contribute to medical advancements. By joining a study, you become a part of something bigger, helping to shape the future of healthcare. Whether you're considering it for personal benefits, the compensation, or the desire to help others, your role as a participant is invaluable. Sign up to join one of our studies and become a Health Hero today.