Must See Talks at Vitafoods 2024

Vitafoods 2024 is coming up, and if you're planning to attend, there are some great talks and sessions you won't want to miss. We caught up with Shauna Cusack, Global Sales Manager at Atlantia Clinical Trials, to get her recommendations on the top sessions at this year's event, which runs from May 14 to 16 in Geneva. These sessions are a must-see if you're interested in the cutting edge of nutraceutical science.


1. Company Case Study: Menopause—The Untapped Market Opportunity

This session explores the often-overlooked market for menopause-related products, highlighting the unique health needs of nearly one billion women globally who experience menopause. Despite the large number of women undergoing menopause, their health needs are frequently ignored within the broader healthcare industry. IFF Health and GenM are leading efforts to address this gap by focusing on understanding and supporting the menopausal community, building credibility and trust, and tapping into a substantial market opportunity.

GenM's research points to a concerning lack of awareness: of the 48 possible menopause symptoms, 51% of women can only identify three. This lack of knowledge contributes to the stigma and confusion surrounding menopause. GenM aims to change this by raising awareness and educating society, a crucial step toward normalizing conversations about menopause. The varied and sometimes severe symptoms can last up to 12 years for 10% of women, bringing emotional, mental, and physical challenges.

Their study shows that menopause remains a taboo topic, with three out of four women believing it's not openly discussed, leaving many women to navigate its challenges with sheer willpower and minimal support. The report also reveals that two-thirds of women were blindsided by perimenopause, emphasising the isolation and loneliness that often accompany this transition. The timing complicates things further, as menopause typically occurs between ages 45 and 55, a period when women are already juggling careers, children, and aging parents.

As an organisation that carries out cutting-edge women’s health research, we highly recommend attending this session. IFF Health and GenM are addressing a critical need for support among women experiencing menopause. This is an opportunity to understand the unique challenges they face and explore new business prospects. You'll gain valuable insights into reducing the stigma around menopause and learn how to better support women during this life stage.

This session is on May 15 from 11:40 AM to 12:10 PM in Conference Theatre N250.


 2. Dr. Siobhain O'Mahony's Talk on Gut Microbiome and Cognitive Health

Dr. Siobhain O'Mahony, a senior lecturer at University College Cork (UCC), has dedicated over two decades to studying the fascinating relationship between the gut microbiome and the brain. Her research group was among the first to identify that the microbes in our gut might influence brain function, paving the way for a new understanding of the gut-brain connection.

In her upcoming talk, Dr. O'Mahony will explore the intriguing links between gut health and brain function—a topic gaining significant attention among researchers and medical professionals. She will discuss how the composition of gut bacteria can affect brain performance over a lifetime and share practical advice on maintaining a healthy gut through diet and lifestyle.

Dr. O'Mahony stresses the importance of understanding how gut microbes produce chemical messengers that influence brain activity. She explains that what we eat directly impacts these microbes, which in turn affects our brain health at every stage of life. Reflecting on her groundbreaking work, Dr. O'Mahony shares, “At the beginning, our research involved looking at things like post-natal stressors—such as antibiotic intervention—in babies. We examined which microbes were impacted by these early stressors and how this might affect brain and behaviour development."

Dr. O'Mahony also advocates for more foundational studies to refine dietary and supplement recommendations. "Women's health is something I am particularly passionate about," she notes, highlighting the need for sex-specific approaches in gut microbiome research.

If you're interested in the gut-brain connection or curious about cutting-edge health research, don't miss this session. It's a unique chance to learn from a leading expert and delve into the profound connections between gut health and brain function.

Join this session on May 15 from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM in Conference Theatre N250.


3. The Biotics Theatre

The Biotics Theatre is a hub of knowledge, featuring sessions that explore how various "biotics" can improve your health. Probiotics and prebiotics are drawing attention for their roles in supporting gut health, immunity, and overall wellness. In these sessions, experts will present the latest research on probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that aid digestion, and prebiotics, the nutrients that support them. You'll gain insights into how these elements work together to create a balanced gut microbiome and what this means for health and wellness products. The sessions will provide data-driven insights and practical applications to help you incorporate biotics into your products or services.

You'll also learn about emerging trends in biotics, including personalised nutrition, the link between gut health and mental health, and innovative uses in food, beverages, and supplements. The Biotics Theatre serves as a platform for thought leaders to share their research, success stories, and new business opportunities.

Whether you're in product development, marketing, or research, the Biotics Theatre is a valuable resource to help you stay ahead in the industry. It also provides a great opportunity to network with other professionals, collaborate on fresh ideas, and understand the evolving landscape in the biotics sector.

The Biotics Theatre runs during the first two days of the show.


4. Challenges with Novel Foods and Nutraceuticals in the EU

This session addresses the obstacles companies face when introducing new foods and nutraceuticals in the EU. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) enforces strict regulations to ensure the safety of these products, and this session provides guidance on navigating these rules. Given the growing consumer demand for novel foods and nutraceuticals in Europe, complying with EU regulations is more critical than ever. The session features experts who have successfully launched products in the EU, offering insights into the regulatory process, from safety assessments to labelling requirements. If you're involved in food supplements or nutraceuticals, understanding the EU's compliance requirements is crucial, and this session will give you the tools to meet those standards.

It’s on May 15 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM in Vitafoods Insights Theatre K79.


5. Panel Discussion: The Gut Microbiome in Healthy Ageing

This panel explores the crucial role that the gut microbiome plays in healthy ageing. This session will discuss topics like how gut health influences brain ageing, the impact of overusing antibiotics, and the need to balance microbiome-derived metabolites. As life expectancy in Europe continues to rise, there's an increasing focus on how to age healthily and maintain a high quality of life. A key part of this is understanding the complex relationship between gut health and overall well-being. In this session, you'll hear from experts who are at the forefront of research into how the gut microbiome impacts ageing and how we can use this knowledge to promote healthier ageing.

One of the central themes of the panel is the influence of gut health on brain ageing. Recent studies have shown that the gut-brain axis plays a significant role in cognitive function, and disturbances in gut health can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases. The panel will discuss how maintaining a balanced microbiome can potentially protect against age-related cognitive decline and other brain-related issues.

If you're interested in ageing and preventive health, this panel will offer useful insights.

It’s on May 16 from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM in Vitafoods Insights Theatre K79.


Looking Forward to Meeting You in Geneva

Atlantia Clinical Trials will be at Stand H 240. Drop by to talk about your clinical research needs and get the latest news from the industry. Don't forget to book your slot ahead of time to make the most of your visit to Vitafoods 2024. See you in Geneva!