Research & Development

What Are Endpoints in Clinical Trials?

Written by Shauni Fitzgerald | May 30, 2024 5:32:10 AM

Endpoints are the key measures used to determine the success or failure of a clinical trial. They are the primary outcomes researchers use to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a new treatment, drug, or medical device.

The study protocol clearly defines the endpoints before a clinical trial begins. This helps guide the investigation's design, data collection process, and analysis of the results.

Choosing the right endpoints is critical to the success of a clinical trial. The endpoints must be relevant to the disease or condition being studied, measurable, and achievable within the study’s timeframe.

Table of Contents

What are Endpoints in Clinical Trials?

  • Endpoints are the primary outcomes measured in a clinical trial: Endpoints are the specific measures researchers use to determine whether a new treatment is effective and safe. 

They are the most important data points collected during an investigation and are used to assess the study's overall success or failure.

  • Endpoints are defined before the trial begins: The endpoints are carefully chosen and defined in the study protocol before the trial starts. This ensures that all researchers involved in the study work towards the same goals and use the same measures to evaluate the results.

  • Endpoints guide the study design and data analysis: The choice of endpoints influences many aspects of the study design, including the number of participants needed, the duration of the study, and the type of data that will be collected. 

The endpoints also determine how the data will be analyzed and interpreted once the trial is complete.

Examples of Endpoints in Clinical Trials

Here are some common examples of endpoints used in different types of clinical trials:

  • Overall survival in cancer trials: Survival is often the primary endpoint for investigations of new cancer treatments. 

This measure measures how long patients live after starting the treatment and helps determine whether the new therapy is more effective than existing options.

  • Reduction in blood pressure for hypertension drugs: The primary endpoint for new drugs for high blood pressure is typically the change in blood pressure levels before and after treatment. 

Researchers look for a significant reduction in blood pressure to determine whether the drug is effective.

  • Symptom improvement for neurological disorders: For medications for conditions like Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, the primary endpoints often involve measures of cognitive function or physical abilities. 

Researchers look for significant improvements in these symptoms to determine whether the treatment is effective.

  • Increase in bowel movement frequency in a constipated population: For supplements to aid with constipation, the primary endpoint often measures the frequency (and consistency) of bowel movements over time. 

Researchers look for significant improvements in these symptoms to determine whether the supplement is effective.

Types of Endpoints in Clinical Trials

Primary Endpoints

  • The main measure to determine if the treatment worked: The primary endpoint is the most critical outcome that the trial evaluates. It directly addresses the main research question and hypothesis of the study.

  • The basis for assessing the trial’s success: The results of the primary endpoint analysis determine whether the investigation met its objectives and whether the treatment can be considered effective. Regulatory authorities and healthcare decision-makers rely on the primary endpoint results when evaluating new treatments.

Secondary Endpoints

Secondary endpoints provide additional information about the treatment's effects and support the findings of the primary endpoint.

  • Additional outcomes of interest that provide supporting evidence: These endpoints should be related to the primary outcome and may include symptoms, quality of life, or other relevant outcomes that help paint a more comprehensive picture of the treatment's benefits and risks.
  • Secondary endpoints can include quality of life measures, biomarkers, or subgroup analyses: They often explore different aspects of the treatment's impact, such as patient-reported outcomes, biological markers of disease activity, or how the treatment performs in specific subgroups of patients.

    Exploratory Endpoints

  • Outcomes that are not part of the primary analysis but may inform future research: Exploratory endpoints are not typically used to make definitive conclusions about the treatment's efficacy or safety. Instead, they generate new hypotheses or identify potential areas for further investigation.

  • Help generate new hypotheses or identify potential biomarkers: Exploratory endpoints can uncover unexpected treatment effects, identify patient subgroups that may benefit most from the treatment, or suggest new biomarkers that could be used to predict treatment response.

Safety Endpoints

Safety endpoints are critical for assessing a new treatment's risks and side effects.

  • Evaluate the tolerability and adverse effects of the treatment: These endpoints track any adverse events, such as side effects, complications, or deaths, that occur during the trial. They help determine whether the treatment is safe for patients to use.
  • Critical for assessing the risk-benefit profile: Safety data from clinical trials is carefully weighed against the potential benefits of the treatment to determine whether it has a favorable risk-benefit profile. Regulatory authorities consider efficacy and safety endpoints when deciding whether to approve a new treatment.

Surrogate Endpoints

Researchers may sometimes use surrogate endpoints as substitutes for clinical endpoints.

  • Biomarkers or intermediate outcomes that predict clinical benefit: Surrogate endpoints are often biological markers or intermediate outcomes thought to predict the ultimate clinical benefit of a treatment. 

For example, in an inquiry into a new cholesterol-lowering drug, the surrogate endpoint might be the change in LDL cholesterol levels, which is known to be associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

  • Surrogate endpoints can fast-track investigations but require validation: Surrogate endpoints can allow for faster and smaller trials, as they can be measured more quickly and easily than clinical endpoints. However, they require extensive validation to predict the clinical outcome of interest.

How are Endpoints chosen in Clinical Trials?

The selection of endpoints in clinical trials is a multifaceted process that takes into account several key factors:

  • The research question and objectives: The main research question and the study's specific objectives typically guide the choice of endpoints. The endpoints must be relevant to the studied disease or condition and accurately measure the treatment effect.

  • Regulatory requirements and disease-specific guidelines: Regulatory agencies like the FDA, EFSA, or EMA typically guide the selection of appropriate endpoints for different diseases or health areas. These guidelines help ensure the endpoints are clinically meaningful and can support regulatory approval if the trial succeeds.

  • Clinically meaningful outcomes: The primary endpoint is the most important outcome of the trial and must directly measure the treatment's efficacy. It should be a clinically relevant patient outcome, such as survival, symptom improvement, or disease progression.

  • Secondary and exploratory endpoints: Secondary endpoints are additional outcomes that provide further evidence of the treatment's effects and support the primary endpoint. 

In contrast, exploratory endpoints help generate new hypotheses or identify potential biomarkers, helping to build a more comprehensive understanding of the treatment's benefits and risks.

  • Safety endpoints: Regardless of the disease area or type of treatment, all clinical trials must include safety endpoints to evaluate the tolerability and adverse effects of the intervention. These endpoints are critical for assessing the treatment's overall risk-benefit profile.

  • Surrogate endpoints: In some cases, surrogate endpoints may be used as substitutes for clinical endpoints to allow faster and more efficient trials. However, these endpoints must be rigorously validated to accurately predict the clinical outcome of interest.

The selection of endpoints is closely tied to the objectives of the clinical trial. The objectives specify what the study aims to achieve, while the endpoints are the specific measures used to assess whether those objectives have been met. 

Together, the objectives and endpoints form the foundation of the study design and guide all aspects of the study, from patient selection to data analysis.

What is the Difference Between Primary and Secondary Endpoints?

  • Primary endpoints directly answer the main research question: The primary endpoint is the outcome the clinical trial evaluates. It provides the most clinically relevant evidence of the study's primary objective. 

For example, in a new cancer drug trial, the primary endpoint might be overall survival, which directly measures whether the drug helps patients live longer.

  • Secondary endpoints provide additional supporting information: Secondary endpoints are additional outcomes that offer further insights into the treatment's effects. They may address related questions or explore different aspects of the intervention. 

For instance, in the cancer drug trial example, secondary endpoints could include quality of life measures, time to disease progression, or biomarkers of treatment response.

  • The study design and statistical analysis plan focus on the primary endpoint: The clinical trials's sample size, patient population, and statistical methods are all based on this endpoint. 

The study is designed to detect any significant difference in the primary outcome between the treatment and control groups. The primary endpoint analysis determines whether the study met its objectives.

  • Secondary endpoints are typically analyzed after the primary endpoint results are known: They support and complement the primary findings but cannot override the results of the primary endpoint analysis. 

If a trial fails to meet its primary endpoint, positive secondary endpoint results are insufficient to consider it successful.

  • Regulatory decisions are based primarily on the primary endpoint: When evaluating new treatments for approval, regulatory agencies such as the FDA focus mainly on the results of the primary endpoint analysis. 

The primary endpoint must demonstrate a clinically meaningful benefit that outweighs the treatment's risks. Secondary endpoints can provide additional evidence of efficacy or safety but are not the primary basis for approval decisions.

Understanding the difference between primary and secondary endpoints is important when interpreting the results of a clinical trial. The primary endpoint carries the most weight in determining the trial’s success, while secondary endpoints provide additional context and support. 

When reading a clinical study report or publication, pay close attention to the defined primary and secondary endpoints and how the results are presented for each outcome.

How do Surrogate Endpoints Differ from Clinical Endpoints?

Surrogate and clinical endpoints are two distinct outcomes measured in clinical trials. Understanding their differences is essential for interpreting a study's results and implications.

Surrogate Endpoints

  • Biomarkers or intermediate outcomes: Surrogate endpoints are biological markers or intermediate outcomes that predict the ultimate clinical benefit of a treatment. They are often easier or faster to measure than clinical endpoints.

  • Examples: Common surrogate endpoints include tumor shrinkage in cancer investigations, viral load in HIV studies, and cholesterol levels in cardiovascular disease research. These measures indicate the treatment's effect on the disease process.

  • Faster investigations but require validation: Surrogate endpoints can allow for more rapid and efficient clinical trials, as they can be assessed faster than long-term clinical outcomes. However, validating surrogate endpoints against clinical endpoints is crucial to ensure they accurately predict the treatment's real-world impact.

    Clinical Endpoints

  • Direct measures of patient health: Clinical endpoints directly measure a patient's health status and well-being. They assess the tangible benefits of a treatment on a person's symptoms, function, or survival.

  • Examples: Survival in cancer trials, symptom improvement in chronic disease studies, and quality of life measures. These endpoints directly capture the patient's experience and the treatment's impact on their health.

  • Clinically meaningful but may take longer: Clinical endpoints are considered the most clinically relevant outcomes, as they directly assess the most important benefits to patients. However, measuring clinical endpoints often requires longer follow-up periods, which can extend the duration and cost of a trial.

Validating surrogate endpoints against clinical outcomes is a critical step in drug development. Researchers must establish a robust and consistent relationship between the surrogate and clinical endpoints for each disease and treatment. 

This validation process helps ensure that changes in the surrogate endpoint reliably predict changes in the clinical outcome of interest.

When evaluating the results of a clinical trial, it is essential to consider whether the study used surrogate or clinical endpoints and to interpret the findings accordingly. 

Surrogate endpoints can provide valuable insights into a treatment's mechanism of action and potential benefits, but they do not always translate into meaningful clinical improvements. 

Clinical endpoints, on the other hand, directly demonstrate the tangible impact of a treatment on a patient's health and quality of life.

What are the Regulatory Requirements for Endpoints in Clinical Trials?

Regulatory agencies have specific guidelines for selecting and validating endpoints in clinical trials. The primary endpoint must directly measure a clinically meaningful outcome demonstrating the treatment's efficacy and safety in the target patient population.

  • The primary endpoint must be statistically robust: The study design and statistical analysis plan must be powered to detect a significant difference in the primary endpoint between the treatment and control groups. The endpoint should be well-defined, reliable, and sensitive to change.

  • Surrogate endpoints may support accelerated approval: In some cases, the FDA may grant accelerated approval based on a surrogate endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit. However, post-marketing studies must confirm the treatment's effect on the clinical outcome.

  • Patient-reported outcomes are increasingly valued: Regulatory agencies focus on patient-reported outcomes and quality-of-life measures when assessing new treatments. These endpoints capture the patient's perspective and can provide essential insights into the treatment's impact on symptoms and functioning.

The choice of endpoints must align with the characteristics of the target patient population and the treatment's intended use. For example, traditional clinical endpoints may not be feasible or appropriate in rare disease investigations or pediatric populations. 

In these cases, alternative endpoints or adaptive study designs may be necessary.

Safety endpoints are a key focus of regulatory review since they help determine the risk-benefit profile of the treatment. 

Adverse event reporting, laboratory tests, and other safety assessments must be thoroughly conducted and analyzed to ensure the treatment's safety profile is acceptable for its intended use.

Engaging with regulatory agencies early to discuss the proposed endpoints and study design is vital when planning a clinical trial.

The FDA offers several programs, such as Fast Track and Breakthrough Therapy designation, that provide opportunities for enhanced communication and guidance on endpoint selection and validation.

Ultimately, the choice of endpoints must be scientifically justified and aligned with regulatory requirements to support the treatment's approval and labeling. 

By carefully selecting and validating clinically meaningful, statistically robust, and patient-centered endpoints, clinical trials can generate the evidence needed to bring new treatments to patients.

5 Strategies for Optimizing Endpoint selection in Clinical Trials

Selecting the right endpoints is critical in designing a successful clinical trial. Here are five strategies you can use to optimize your endpoint selection process:

1. Engage Key Stakeholders Early

  • Involve a diverse group of experts: Collaborating with patients, clinicians, regulators, and other key players helps ensure your endpoints are clinically meaningful, patient-centered, and aligned with regulatory and reimbursement requirements. 

Their input can guide you in selecting endpoints that matter most to the people who will use and benefit from your treatment.

  • Seek input throughout the study design process: Keep the lines of communication open with your stakeholders as you refine your endpoint selection. Their ongoing feedback can help you adapt to changing priorities and emerging evidence, ensuring your endpoints remain relevant and achievable.

    2. Use a Combination of Primary and Secondary Endpoints
  • Select a clinically meaningful primary endpoint: Your primary endpoint should directly measure the most important outcome of your trial, such as overall survival, symptom improvement, or disease progression. This endpoint will be the main focus of your statistical analysis and regulatory review.

  • Support your primary endpoint with secondary measures: Secondary endpoints provide additional evidence of your treatment's effects, such as quality of life improvements, biomarker changes, or subgroup analyses. These endpoints help paint a more comprehensive picture of your treatment's benefits and risks.
3.Consider Patient-Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life Measures
  • Capture the patient's perspective: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and quality of life measures directly assess how your treatment affects patients' symptoms, functioning, and well-being. These endpoints can provide valuable insights into the patient experience and help demonstrate the real-world impact of your treatment.

  • Use validated instruments: Select PRO measures that have been validated in your target patient population and are sensitive to change. Work with PRO development and analysis experts to ensure your endpoints are reliable, reproducible, and clinically meaningful.
4. Validate Surrogate Endpoints Against Clinical Outcomes
  • Establish the surrogate-clinical endpoint relationship: Surrogate endpoints, such as biomarkers or intermediate outcomes, can accelerate your investigation by allowing for faster and more efficient assessment of treatment effects. 

However, it's essential to validate these endpoints against the clinical outcomes they are intended to predict. 

Conduct rigorous studies to establish a robust and consistent relationship between your surrogate and clinical endpoints in your specific disease and treatment context.

  • Plan for post-approval confirmation: If your study uses a surrogate endpoint to support accelerated approval, be prepared to conduct post-marketing studies to confirm your treatment's effect on the clinical outcome. 

Work with regulators to design these confirmatory trials and ensure they are feasible and informative.

5.Plan for Safety Assessments Throughout the Trial
  • Integrate safety endpoints into your study design: Safety endpoints are essential for evaluating your treatment's tolerability and adverse effects. Plan for regular safety assessments throughout your study, such as adverse event reporting, laboratory tests, and vital sign monitoring. 

This continuous safety evaluation helps ensure patient well-being and can inform dose adjustments or trial design modifications as needed.

  • Analyze safety data in the context of efficacy: When interpreting your study results, consider the balance between your treatment's safety profile and demonstrated efficacy. A comprehensive risk-benefit analysis, considering both safety and efficacy endpoints, is key to determining whether your treatment is suitable for its intended use and patient population.

Are the Surrogate Endpoints Reliable for Predicting Clinical Benefits?

Surrogate endpoints, such as biomarkers or intermediate outcomes, are often used in clinical trials to predict a treatment's ultimate clinical benefit. While they can accelerate treatment development by enabling faster and more efficient assessment of treatment effects, surrogate endpoints have limitations you should be aware of, such as:

  • Validation is vital: The relationship between surrogate and clinical endpoints must be rigorously validated for each specific disease and treatment context. 

This validation establishes the strength and consistency of the association between changes in the surrogate endpoint and changes in the clinical outcome of interest. 

Surrogate endpoints can lead to false conclusions about a treatment's efficacy without proper validation.

  • Surrogate endpoints may not tell the whole story: By their nature, surrogate endpoints do not capture the whole clinical picture or the long-term effects of a treatment. They often focus on a specific aspect of the disease process, such as tumor shrinkage or viral load reduction. 

However, they may not account for other important factors influencing patient outcomes, such as quality of life, functional status, or overall survival. 

As a result, treatments that show promising results based on surrogate endpoints may not always translate into meaningful clinical benefits for patients.

  • Confirmatory studies are important: Post-marketing studies are usually required to confirm the predicted clinical benefit when treatment is approved based on surrogate endpoint data. 

These studies assess the treatment's effect on the clinical outcome of interest and help verify the validity of the surrogate endpoint. 

If the confirmatory studies fail to show the expected clinical benefit, the treatment's approval may be reconsidered, or its labeling may be revised to reflect the new evidence.

To mitigate the limitations of surrogate endpoints, it is best to use them with clinical endpoints whenever possible. This approach provides a more comprehensive assessment of a treatment's efficacy and safety profile. 

When interpreting the results of a clinical trial that relies heavily on surrogate endpoints, you should consider the strength of the surrogate-clinical endpoint relationship, the potential for discrepancies between surrogate and clinical outcomes, and the need for ongoing monitoring and confirmation of clinical benefit.

With its vast experience and expertise, Atlantia Clinical Trials can guide you through selecting and validating the most effective endpoints to ensure your study objectives are met efficiently.

Contact Atlantia Clinical Trials today to ensure your clinical study succeeds.


Endpoints play a critical role in clinical trials by measuring the success or failure of a treatment, drug, or medical device. Choosing the right endpoints, defined before the trial begins, guides study design, data collection, and analysis. Primary, secondary, exploratory, and safety endpoints each serve unique purposes in assessing treatment efficacy and safety. Surrogate endpoints can provide early indicators of clinical benefit but require rigorous validation. Understanding the regulatory requirements and strategic selection of endpoints ensures comprehensive and reliable trial outcomes.

Key Takeaways

  • Clinical trials use primary, secondary, exploratory, and safety endpoints, each serving different roles in the evaluation process.
  • Regulatory agencies have specific guidelines for endpoint selection to ensure clinical relevance and support treatment approval.
  • Engaging stakeholders, using a combination of endpoints, considering patient-reported outcomes, and planning for safety assessments are crucial strategies in endpoint selection.


Why are endpoints important in clinical trials?

Endpoints are crucial as they provide the primary data points to assess the success or failure of a treatment, guiding the entire clinical trial process from design to regulatory review.

How are endpoints chosen in clinical trials?

 Endpoints are selected based on the research question, clinical relevance, regulatory guidelines, and the treatment's intended use. They must be measurable, achievable, and meaningful to the patient population.

What are the regulatory requirements for endpoints in clinical trials?

Regulatory agencies require endpoints to be clinically meaningful, statistically robust, and relevant to the patient population. Safety endpoints are also essential for assessing the treatment's risk-benefit profile.

Are surrogate endpoints reliable for predicting clinical benefits?

Surrogate endpoints can be reliable if they are rigorously validated against clinical outcomes. They must establish a strong, consistent relationship with the clinical benefit they predict.