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Does Your Infant Have Colic?

Written by Stacey Boetto | Jul 9, 2024 2:32:28 PM
If you think your infant suffers from colic you can help our research by Joining Our Study

What is Infant Colic?

Infantile Colic (IC) is best known for the inconsolable and unexplained crying in an otherwise healthy infant that usually occurs within the first six weeks of life. IC affects approximately 1 in 5 infants regardless if they are breast or bottle fed. IC typically follows the rule of three’s which are

Crying for at least 3 hours per day, for 3 or more days per week, over a minimum of a 3-week period. Other symptoms of IC include fussiness, flushing of the face, excessive gas with abdominal bloating, tensing the abdomen, and drawing up of the legs. All of this leads to exhausted, frustrated and concerned parents looking for ways to comfort their child and decrease their symptoms.

What are the causes?

The exact cause of IC is not fully understood; however, research has shown that the gut microbiota of Infants with Colic is different than infants who do not suffer from colic. Gut microbiota is found in every human and is critical for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system and overall health and well-being. Simply put, microbiotas are trillions of tiny microorganisms, usually bacteria, that live in the intestinal tract which begin to develop while still in the womb. These microorganisms are essential for proper digestion of foods, absorption of nutrients, immunity, mood, and even brain function. When the microbiota is imbalanced it is called dysbiosis. When this occurs, infants may have the symptoms discussed earlier which could also lead to immune and inflammatory responses within the body.


Recent research in IC has shown that infants treated with probiotics have had a decrease or resolution of their symptoms making the infant and the parents more comfortable resulting in a better quality of life. Researchers believe that the altered gut microbiota can cause the Colic pain experienced by these infants and prophylactic treatment with probiotics can prevent colic by bringing the natural gut microbiota into a more stabilized environment.